If at any time you request assistance, please call or email our support center.
Step 1.
GO to https://support.bastiansolutions.com
Step 2.
When arriving on the login page, CLICK the “Get a password” link.
Step 3.
ENTER your email address then CLICK the “Submit” button.
Once submitted, you will receive a notification stating that an email has been sent to the entered email address. As long as your email address is registered with Bastian Solutions, you will have access to create/change your password. If you are not registered with Bastian Solutions, please contact support at 1-844-Bastian (1-844-227-8426).
Step 4.
CHECK your email for a message from Bastian Solutions – Unified Support.
OPEN the email. CLICK on the link to create a new password.
Step 5.
CREATE new password. Your password must be at least 6 characters, include a mixture of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and a character that is not a letter or number (!@#$%).
CLICK “Change password”
Once you have submitted your new password, you will receive an email confirming the change.